Getting started
Start by getting in touch to discuss your needs:
via Skype: live:.cid.4e6467c415f849b3
telephone: 07496 249 572
instagram: the_apothecary_box
You may benefit from a consultation, an over-the-counter product or simply some free advice.
If your needs are complex or require herbal medicines, then a full consultation will be necessary. After creating a very detailed picture of your individual needs, an appropriate treatment plan will be devised.

Over-the-counter products
A number of products are available over-the-counter without the need for a consultation. These are usually gifts, supplements or products that are not used medicinally. All the items available in the online shop are 'OTC' products.

We will always try to help if possible. However, the first thing you should try for all serious medical conditions is visit your GP and exhaust the options provided. Many non-serious matters that can respond well to herbal medcine include: first aid, bumps/bruises/sprains, allergies, sleep disturbance, stress relief/relaxation, digestive complaints, energy and metabolism.